Saturday, May 22, 2010

Arcada Fog (of is it Arcata?)

The following is a special cartoon that I made entirely by myself using Photoshop, After Effects, and Blender. The music is by the rock band Acid Westerns.

So here it is... the culmination of an independent study in Digital Printmaking, my love of rock music, and the history of astronomy in Europe. Also, there's a moose in there somewhere. Keep in mind, this video is of the highest possible historical accuracy, except for Newton's hula hoop.

Here are some kind words about my video from a fellow blogger...

mixing Oil painting with Photoshop

I made this painting for the cover of the Acid Westerns self-titled debut album.

Here's a link to the band's website:

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Copernicus Pox 2 and 3!

Here's some stills from my animated series 'Copernicus Pox', written by Justin Duckham and animated by myself.

Here's Copernicus Pox 2: Christmas in Mid-January

Here is part 1 and two of my twenty minute epic, Copernicus Pox 3: Barackan, All Too Barackan...

part two...

Hope you enjoy those and feel free to leave a comment!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

another lithograph

to be precise, this is the lithograph in the process of being created. This was the step just before etching the print. I took a picture for documentation, just in case the etch destroyed the print. As it turns out, it didn't. I'll post the final print up soon.